A calculator, pen and scattered papers appear behind a banner that reads "Are Small Business Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible?"

Are Small Business Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible?

As a small business owner, every decision you make has an impact on your bottom line. Navigating through complicated tax laws can sometimes feel like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. And one of those elusive puzzles is whether or not your health insurance premiums are tax deductible. You want to make sure…

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A business woman smiles while looking at her laptop. Above, "The Convenience of An Employer-Sponsored Health Plan" is written

The Convenience Of An Employer-Sponsored Health Plan

In our fast-paced world, convenience is key. That’s why employer-sponsored health plans are a hot topic. Did you know that employer-sponsored insurance covers more Americans than any other source of health benefits? More than 70% of workers are covered under an employer-sponsored plan according to The Commonwealth Fund. From health insurance to retirement savings, these…

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An insurance broker and a business owner sit at a desk with a pile of documents

Find a Small Business Health Insurance Broker in 5 Easy Steps

Small businesses face unique challenges when it comes to offering health insurance to their employees. While it's important to provide coverage, finding the right policy and navigating the complex healthcare system can be overwhelming. That's where a health insurance broker can help. Brokers are licensed professionals who can provide guidance on selecting and managing health…

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A man looks at his cell phone next to an icon of a health insurance paper on a clipboard. Above, "How To Find Health Insurance For Small Business Owners" is written.

How To Find Health Insurance For Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, one of the most important things you need to ensure is your own health and well-being. Health insurance is crucial for protecting yourself, your family, and your business from financial ruin in the event of a medical emergency. However, finding the right health insurance for small business owners can be…

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"How Much Is Small Business Health Insurance?" is written over a stack of papers, a calculator and a pair of eyeglasses on a desk.

How Much Is Small Business Health Insurance?

Employer-sponsored insurance is a vital source of healthcare coverage for millions of Americans. In fact, recent research suggests that nearly 159 million nonelderly people are currently relying on this type of coverage to access the care they need. This impressive figure speaks volumes about the immense importance of employer-sponsored insurance in our healthcare system, and…

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